High Noon, 10 of the best wild west picture library ever
Prion Books Ltd, London, October 2008
-"The gun crew" - 64
-"Buck Jones and the apache manhunt" – 64
-"The hunter" – 64
Collectif. Ouvrage dirigé par Steve Holland. Réimpression de divers western Fleetway.
Edited by Steve Holland. Reprints of western stories originally published by Fleetway company.
Bandes dessinées d’Alberto Breccia dans des périodiques / Historietas de Alberto Breccia publicadas en periódicos y revistas / Sequential art in comics and magazines
- “Alibi” (Buck Jones: "The hunter") - 64
Wild West Picture Library n°54, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, july 1968
Reprint of Cowboy Picture Library n°410
-"Buck Jones and the Apache manhunt" – 64
Cowboy picture library, n°402, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, may 1961
Story : uncredited
Note : Alberto Breccia did not drew any of the Fleetway books.
-Buck Jones: "The hunter" - 64
Cowboy picture library, n°410, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, july 1961
Story : uncredited

-Buck Jones: "Trigger man"- 64
Cowboy picture library, n°450, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, may 1962
Story : uncredited
-"Danger money" - 64
Cowboy picture library, n°447, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, april 1962
Story : uncredited

-"Danger money" - 64
Wild West Picture Library Holiday Special, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, undated (circa 70’s)
Indications on the cover: “45P” ,“192 pages of fast-shooting punch-packed action!”
Reprint of Cowboy picture library n°447
-Dracula : « "¿Dracul - Dracula Vlad?¡ Bah...!" ” – s8
Bride of Heavy Metal, 1985
-Dracula: "Poe? Phooey!" - s9
Heavy Metal, Vol 9, n°8, november 1985
The complete Dracula book, a silent story, as been recently been repuplished in France by
Éditions Rackham.
-"The Dunwich horror"
Heavy Metal, Vol 3, n°6, october 1979
Story: Norberto Buscaglia adapted from Howard P. Lovecraft The Dunwich horror
“The Gun Crew” - 64
Cowboy picture Library n°439, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, february 1962
Story : uncredited
Justice Rides South (“The Gun Crew”) - 64
Wild West Picture Library n°27, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, june 1967
Reprint of Cowboy picture Library n°439
Justice Rides South (“The Gun Crew”) - 64
Wild West Picture Library Holiday Special, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, 1988
Reprint of Cowboy picture Library n°439
-“Kit Carson and the commanche prince”
Cowboy picture library, n°361, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, july 1960
Story : uncredited
- « Mister Valdemar » - 7
Heavy Metal, Vol 6, n° 7, HM COMMUNICATIONS,october 1982
Story by Carlos Trillo adapted from Edgar Allan Poe, The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar.
This is the first version of this story, made in 1980, as it first appeared in Italian Magazine
Alter Alter n°4. Breccia made another version which has been published in the french book
Le Cœur Révélateur, in 1992.

-"The Monkey’s Paw"
Pictopia, n°4, Fantagraphics books, winter 1993
Story by Carlos Trillo adaptated from W. Jacobs The Monkey’s Paw
-“On Parole” ("Danger money")
Wild West Picture Library n°36, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, october 1967
Reprint of Cowboy picture Library n°447
-"Passport to peril" – 64
Super detective library, n°172, London, april 1960
Inspired by the novel Assignment Helene by Edward S. Aarons
Story : uncredited
La couverture n’est pas de Breccia.
This spy story à la James Bond is the first comic published by Breccia in the United Kingdom.

Perramus, n°1, fantagraphics books, octobre 1991
The four issues contain Vol I of Perramus, the rest of Perramus has never been published in the USA.
Story : Juan Sasturain
Afterword by Robert Boyd
Perramus, n°2, fantagraphics books, 1991-92
Story : Juan Sasturain
Perramus, n°3, fantagraphics books, 1991-92
Story : Juan Sasturain
Perramus, n°4, fantagraphics books, 1991-92
Story : Juan Sasturain
-“The power of the pen” (“Dibujar o no ?”) - 8
Crisis n°51, Fleetway/2000AD, London, october 1990.
Story : Juan Sasturain
English version of the story which is featured in the french book Les droits de l’homme.
-“Red Man’s fury” ("Buck Jones and the Apache manhunt")
Wild West Picture Library n°51, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, june 1968
Reprint of Cowboy Picture Library n°402
-“Redskin Blood” ( “Kit Carson and the commanche prince”)
Wild West Picture Library n°84, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, october 1969
Reprint of Cowboy Picture Library n°361
-"Saddle of death"
Lone rider picture library n°11, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, december 1961
Story : uncredited
-"Saddle of death"
Wild West Picture Library n°58, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, august 1968
Reprint of Lone rider picture library n°11
-"Saddle of death"
Wild West Picture Library Holiday Special, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, 1979
Reprint of Lone rider picture library n°11
-"Saddle of death"
Wild West Picture Library Holiday Special, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, 1988
Reprint of Lone rider picture library n°11
-"The Slaughtered Chicken" ("La gallina degollada") - 9
Sinner, n°2, fantagraphics books, 1988
Story by Carlos Trillo adaptated from Horacio Quiroga, La gallina degollada
Two-colour printing (black & red).
SPY13: "Mountains of terror" – 32
Thriller picture library, n°336, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, october 1960
Story : uncredited

-SPY13: "Gamble with danger" - 64
Thriller picture library, n°348, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, january 1961
Story : uncredited
- SPY13: "Gamble with danger" - 64
Secret Agent Picture Library, Holiday special, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, undated (1969).Indication on the cover: 2’6
Reprint of Thriller picture library, n°348
"SPY 13 and the sea scourge" – 62
Thriller picture library, n°376, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London, september 1961
Story : uncredited
"SPY 13 and the sea scourge" – 62
Secret Agent Picture Library, Holiday special 3’, IPC magazines/Fleetway house, London ,1970
Reprint of Thriller picture library, n°376
Story : uncredited
-"To draw or not to draw“ (“Dibujar o no ?”) - 8
Heavy Metal, Vol 12, n° 2, summer 1988
Story : Juan Sasturain
English version of the story which is featured in the french book Les droits de l’homme.
-"To draw or not to draw“ (“Dibujar o no ?”) - 8
Heavy Metal, Greatest Hits, Vol 8, n°2, 1994
Story : Juan Sasturain
Articles de fond, catalogues, parties d’ouvrages consacrés à Alberto Breccia / Artículos de fondo, catálogos, partes de obras dedicadas a Alberto Breccia / Noteworthy articles, art catalogs, sections of books dedicated to Alberto Breccia
Comic book artist, n°8, TwoMorrows, mai 2000
ROACH David A. , The genius of Alberto Breccia, the life & work of the Ever-Changing Argentinian Cartoonist
Alberto Breccia Sketchbook
Ancares Editora, historietasArgentinas.com, Buenos Aires, 2003
Introduction de Oscar Steimberg
Croquis préparatoires pour Buscavidas, Lope de Aguirre, Interpolito, Perramus, Lovecraft tales, El Viajero de Gris, Donde Suben y Bajan Las Mareas, El Corazon Delator, Informe Sobre Ciegos, Dracula, Martin Fierro, El Viaje
Ouvrage bilingue Espagnol/anglais
Alberto Breccia Sketchbook Vol II
Ancares Editora, historietasArgentinas.com, Buenos Aires, 2005
Introduction de Oscar Steimberg
Croquis préparatoires pour des adaptations de Borges, Hearn, Onetti, Poe, Ray, Hernandez, Lovecraft, Stevenson, Papini. Illustrations pour des classiques de la littérature de Editorial Difusión. Textes de Fernando Ariel García et Gustavo Adrián Ferrari.
Ouvrage bilingue Espagnol/anglais
Comic book artist, n°8, TwoMorrows, mai 2000
ROACH David A. , The genius of Alberto Breccia, the life & work of the Ever-Changing Argentinian Cartoonist
JUST DRAW! Anuario 2003 / yearbook 2003
historietasArgentinas.com, 2003
Série de dessins et croquis inédits réalisés en 1977 pour une édition du Baron de Münchausen de la série de classiques illustrés de Editorial Difusión qui n’a pas paru.
Ouvrage bilingue Espagnol/anglais
JUST DRAW! 15th Anniversary
historietasArgentinas.com, 2004
Série d'autoportraits de Breccia.
Ouvrage bilingue Espagnol/anglais
Thanks for so much information! Especially, for clearing up my confusion concering the 2 different versions of "Valdemar". So, Breccia did 2 of those-- and depending on which reprint collection you have, they include 1 or the other-- but, apparently, not both.